How much does a DUI cost?

A DUI can have devastating consequences on your privacy, career and freedom, but just how much does a DUI cost? The initial ticket can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars depending on whether or not you’re a first offender. But lets look at the far reaching monetary consequences a DUI can have:

Bail: Depending on the city you are arrested in you may need to post bail to be released from jail after your arrest. This can cost between $150-2,500 dollars.

Towing: Many times after a DUI your car will be towed. You will first need to pay the police agency that arrested you to give an official statement to release your car. Then you will need to pay the towing company whose initial fee will be anywhere from 150-300 dollars. You will also need to pay per day the car is stored. Some states such as Chicago charge upwards of $1,500 for the first day of storage.

Fines: Your ticket can cost up to 2,000 dollars but many first offenders will pay around 3-500 dollars for their ticket. This doesn’t includes court fines and attorney fees if you hire one.

Alcohol Education and Treatment:

First Offender Program: Many states will require that you complete a state authorized program that can range in length from 3 months to 9 months, depending on your BAC. These classes are once a week and generally cost around 30 dollars per class/week.

HAM: States such as California have programs in place for underage offenders called the Hospital and Morgue Program. These classes cost around 100 dollars and will require the offender to visit a hospital and morgue to see the devastating consequences drinking and driving can have.

Insurance Fees: Even a first time offender with no accident may see their car insurance rates triple or quadruple. It will take anywhere from 3-5 years for the rates to begin to lower, and approximately 8 years for it to no longer be factored in to your rates. Experts estimate that drivers with a DUI conviction pay approximately $1,500 extra for car insurance per year.

License Reinstatement Fees: After a driver completes their alcohol education course the state will reissue their license for a fee from anywhere between $60-$250

Ignition Interlock Device: If you are a repeat offender, had a particularly high BAC or if you received your DUI in a place like Arizona or Los Angeles you may need to install a ignition interlock device on your car. It will cost a few hundred dollars to install and remove, and also requires a monthly payment of approximately 120 dollars.

Overall not considering other miscellaneous fees it is estimated that a DUI can cost anywhere from $10,000-15,000 if there was no accident. Arguably the worst aspect of a DUI is the social stigma that it carries. If you or someone you love is facing charges for DUI, contact a Bellevue DUI lawyer immediately to begin building your case. A criminal defense attorney who specializes in DUI defense will know how to find flaws in the officer’s arrest or collection of evidence to have your charges reduced or dismissed entirely.

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